Cumberland-Salem Area Subcommittee Information

Should I get involved?

We encourage you to choose a home group and become involved immediately. Many of us have found that our home group is the beginning of our service to NA. Many of us have also discussed being of service with our sponsor and found they are encouraging and may have other suggestions for our  involvement. Being involved in service helps us to really feel like a part of something greater than ourselves. Most addicts with multiple years clean will tell you that they are or have been involved in service to NA in one form or another. Unity is the main principle of our First Tradition, and we welcome you to experience that unity through service to NA!

Taken from It Works How and Why

Narcotics Anonymous groups join together, combining their resources to create service boards and committees that will help them better fulfill their primary purpose. Those boards and committees are not called to govern Narcotics Anonymous; they are called, rather, to faithfully execute the trust given them by the groups they serve. With a minimum of organization, our service boards and committees perform tasks on behalf of the groups, helping our groups remain free to do what they do best, simply and directly. Our fidelity to the Ninth Tradition assures that the simple, spontaneous atmosphere of recovery shared one addict to another in the NA group is never organized, legislated, or regulated out of existence.